What now…?

When I took this photograph I was in the mist of tormenting my kitty… no, no, of course I wasn’t! I had just moved half an inch and disturbed the perfect bed she had padded out for herself after fighting with her daughter over food. At the time I thought it amusing that such an event would render such a stern look, now I know why.

Having argued with my son for over 60 mins today (in total) I understand what the meaning ‘teenager’ is all about. He’s not a teenager, not even close but the signs are there. At this stage he does flounce off and later apologise, which I guess I have to be grateful for, but everything I say ‘no’ to has reached the same stage… bartering. It’s good that my son can be diplomatic and plead his case whilst pretending to totally acknowledge my reasons for saying no. What annoys me is when these reasons run out I am left with the same word I hated 8 years ago when he was a toddler… Why?? But why?? Why can’t I? Why not? Whhhyyy???? Ends up sounding like it should… Whine…

I miss the days when I could make a cuppa and drink it in peace, I wish I could take a bath in private, it would be really nice to go to the loo alone, eat a whole biscuit by myself, read the news or even sleep without constant aggravation!!!

(I’m sorry kitty, I’m so sorry. You finally got time to make yourself a comfortable spot and I moved you. I understand you. It won’t happen again xx)

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